目录号 Serial | SCSP-5025 | 标识符 Identifier | CSTR:19375.09.3101HUMSCSP5025 | 描述 Description | 一位54岁白人男性的正常前列腺组织切片的周围区域的上皮细胞用单拷贝的人乳头瘤病毒18(HPV-18)进行转化,建立了RWPE-1。据报道,RWPE-1细胞在三维Matrigel培养时,在雄激素刺激下,形成腺胞(acini)并向培养基中分泌PSA。当与Matrigel或基质细胞混合注射雄性裸鼠时,RWPE-1细胞也能形成腺胞并产生PSA。来源于RWPE-1的细胞用Kirstin鼠肉瘤病毒(Ki-MuSV)转染Ki-ras基因,建立了能成瘤的RWPE-2细胞和 RWPE2-W99细胞。另外,用N-甲醇-N-硝基脲(MNU)处理RWPE-1,建立了一系列模拟前列腺癌进程中不同时期的成瘤细胞株。它们分别是WPE1-NA22, WPE1-NB14, WPE1-NB11和 WPE1-NB26细胞。据报道,RWPE-1细胞经过检测后发现乙肝病毒、丙肝病毒和人免疫缺陷病毒都呈阴性。PCR证实该细胞系HPV病毒DNA序列呈阳性。每个批次均通过本库支原体检测,结果阴性。在我库通过STR鉴定,数据上94%吻合。STR结果如下:D5S818: 12,15;D13S317: 8,14;D7S820: 10,11;D16S539: 9,11;vWA: 18;THO1: 8,9.3;Amelogenin: X,Y;TPOX: 8,11;CSF1PO: 13 | 动物种别 Organism | 人;白人 | 性别 Gender | 男性,54岁 | 组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type | 前列腺 | 形态 Morphology | 上皮样,贴壁生长 | 培养基和添加剂 Complete Growth Medium and Culture Conditions | 1. 人前列腺细胞RWPE-1培养液配方:Keratinocyte-SFM (Invitrogen, 17005-042) K-SFM(Invitrogen,17005-042)培养液包含两个组份:基础培养液1瓶(货号10724-011)+生长因子2管(货号37000-015 )。按照K-SFM培养液说明书,需额外添加Gentamicin Solution。建议使用Gentamicin/Amphotericin Solution 500X(Gibco, R-015-10)。 注意事项: a. 细胞在无血清培养体系中培养,其贴壁能力较弱,建议传代后静置24小时再进行后续操作。 b. 细胞密度建议保持在4万~ 7万cells/cm2,接种密度建议在2万~4万活细胞/cm2。 c. 使用0.05%胰酶消化细胞。同时由于K-sfm为无血清培养液无法终止胰酶消化,所以消化完成后要通过添加2%FBS(用D-PBS稀释)或等体积的0.1%大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂终止消化并离心去除胰酶,再进行后续操作。 | 供应限制 Permits and Restrictions | A。仅供研究之用。 | REFERENCE | Webber MM, Rhim JS. Immortalized and malignant human prostatic cell lines. US Patent 5,824,488 dated Oct 20 1998Bello D, et al. Androgen responsive adult human prostatic epithelial cell lines immortalized by human papillomavirus 18. Carcinogenesis 18: 1215-1223, 1997. PubMed: 9214605Webber MM, et al. Acinar differentiation by non-malignant immortalized human prostatic epithelial cells and its loss by malignant cells. Carcinogenesis 18: 1225-1231, 1997. PubMed:9214606Okamoto M, et al. Interleukin-6 and epidermal growth factor promote anchorage-independent growth of immortalized human prostatic epithelial cells treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Prostate 35: 255-262, 1998. PubMed: 9609548Webber MM, et al. Immortalized and tumorigenic adult human prostatic epithelial cell lines: characteristics and applications Part 2. Tumorigenic cell lines. Prostate 30: 58-64, 1997. PubMed:9018337Webber MM, et al. Immortalized and tumorigenic adult human prostatic epithelial cell lines: characteristics and applications. Part 3. Oncogenes, suppressor genes, and applications. Prostate 30: 136-142, 1997. PubMed: 9051152Kremer R, et al. ras Activation of human prostate epithelial cells induces overexpression of parathyroid hormone-related peptide. Clin. Cancer Res. 3: 855-859, 1997. PubMed: 9815759Jacob K, et al. Osteonectin promotes prostate cancer cell migration and invasion: a possible mechanism for metastasis to bone. Cancer Res. 59: 4453-4457, 1999. PubMed: 10485497Achanzar WE, et al. Cadmium induces c-myc, p53, and c-jun expression in normal human prostate epithelial cells as a prelude to apoptosis. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 164: 291-300, 2000. PubMed: 10799339Achanzar WE, et al. Cadmium-induced malignant transformation of human prostate epithelial cells. Cancer Res. 61: 455-458, 2001. PubMed: 11212230Bello-DeOcampo D, et al. Laminin-1 and alpha6beta1 integrin regulate acinar morphogenesis of normal and malignant human prostate epithelial cells. Prostate 46: 142-153, 2001. PubMed:11170142Webber MM, et al. Human cell lines as an in vitro/in vivo model for prostate carcinogenesis and progression. Prostate 47: 1-13, 2001. PubMed: 11304724Epithelial cells from a histologically normal adult human prostate were isolated and subsequently transfected with a plasmid carrying one copy of the human papillomavirus 18 (HPV-18) genome to establish the RWPE-1 (ATCC CRL-11609) cell line.Quader ST, et al. Evaluation of the chemopreventive potential of retinoids using a novel in vitro human prostate carcinogenesis model. Mutat. Res. 496: 153-161, 2001. PubMed: 11551491upregulated upon exposure to androgenBello D, et al. Androgen responsive adult human prostatic epithelial cell lines immortalized by human papillomavirus 18. Carcinogenesis 18: 1215-1223, 1997. PubMed: 9214605 |
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