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颚式粉碎仪BB 500 XL
BB500XL用于快速,高效的中硬性,硬脆性和韧性样品预粉碎。针对实验室和工业不同类型样品,有多种材质配件可选,包括无重金属污染型。 少量样品可以选择批量进样方式处理,大量样品可以选择连续进样处理方式。间隙可调和零点校正保证了实验结果的可重复性。 BB 500 XL 倾斜的研磨腔和强劲的驱动保证有效的破碎运动。 应用实例 优 点 ● high crushing ratio 50:1 性能指标
Please note: 作用原理 Size reduction takes place in the wedge-shaped area between the fixed crushing arm and one oscillating with high frequency. This motion ensures a consistent gap width in the stroke cycle so that the sample is crushed to the set fineness in one working step. Two massive flywheels transmit high impulse forces to the crushing jaws. The innovative design permits using both sides of the jaws thanks to a 180° rotation. As soon as the sample is smaller than the discharge gap width, it falls into a removable collector. The continuous gap width setting with scale ensures optimum size reduction in accordance with the set gap width. 根据技术改造和误差调整 |
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