不锈钢气泡器, 1500ml, 立式, 电解抛光, 带填充口, PCTFE阀杆尖端, DOT4B, UN冲压, Stainless steel bubbler, 1500ml, vertical, electropolished with fill-port, PCTFE valve stem tip, DOT 4B
不锈钢起泡器, 1000ml, 水平排列, 电解抛光, 带填充口, PCTFE阀杆尖端, DOT4B, UN冲压, Stainless steel bubbler, 1000ml, horizontal in line, electropolished with fill-port, PCTFE valve stem tip, DOT 4B
Novozymes蛋白酶筛选试剂盒(含6种内蛋白酶), Novozymes Endoprotease Screening Kit (contains 6 endoprotease enzymes)
Apeiron聚合催化剂试剂盒, Apeiron Polymerization Catalysts Kit
Swagelok® 气缸总成, 50ml, 带1/4“VCR公头球阀和母螺母,电解抛光,用于CVD / ALD, Swagelok? Cylinder Assembly, 50ml with 1/4” VCR Male Ball Valve and Female Nut, electropolished for CVD/ALD
长链烷基磷酸套包装, Long-Chain n-Alkylphosphonic Acid Kit
磷配体套标(钯催化碳-碳/碳-杂环络合), Phosphine Ligand Kit for Palladium-Catalyzed Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Heteroatom Bond Formation
瓶盖, Suba-Seal #29
双环催化剂试剂盒, Iridicycle Catalyst Kit
NHC配体套装4:双卡宾, NHC Ligand Kit 4: Bis Carbenes