Technical Notes:
1.Chiral catalyst for the intra and intermolecular v addition of nitrogen nucleophiles to Y substituted alkynoates or allenoates.
2.Phosphine catalyzed ß ,v-umpolung domino reaction of allenic es ters: facile synthesis of tetrahydrobenzofuranones bearing a chiral tetrasubstituted stereogenic carbon center.
3.Phosphine catalyzed highly enantiose;ective 3 +3cycloaddition of Morita- B aylis -Hillman c arbonates with C,N-cyclic azomethine imines .
References :
1. Angew. Chom. Int. Ed.. 2013, 52,. 2525.
2.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 1511.
3. J, Am. Chom. Soc, 2015, 137, 4316.