形态Ground and polished
ICP-MS 校准标准溶液用于 6020 CLP-M, ICP-MS Calibration Standard solution for 6020 CLP-M
ICP-MS 干扰检测标准溶液B, ICP-MS Interference Check Standard solution B for 6020
离子强度校正溶液, Ionic strength adjuster solution for chloride or sulfide electrodes
12 Ton E-Z Press 液压机, 12 Ton E-Z Press hydraulic press
金蚀刻剂, Gold etchant
聚苯乙烯小瓶, Polystyrene vial with polyethylene slip-on cap; 2" long x 1/2
Iron 57
Zinc 68
Viscosity standard
氧化镁矩形盘;长 (mm), Magnesium Oxide Rectangular Tray;Length (mm)