亚老哥儿1232和2种替代物混标, Working Level Aroclor 1232 with Surrogates,Varied conc. in Isooctane
亚老哥儿1254和2种替代物混标, Working Level Aroclor 1254 with Surrogates,Varied conc. in Isooctane
酸替代标准(3种组分), Acid Surrogate Standard,2.0 mg/mL in MeOH
icp盐酸空白标准品, ICP Hydrochloric Acid Blank,5% Hydrochloric acid
碱性/中性替代标准品(3种组分), Base/Neutral Surrogate Standard,10.0 mg/mL in CH2Cl2
CLP校正标准品 #3 (7种金属组分), CLP Calibration Std #3,Varied conc. in 2-5% Nitric Acid
CLP 04.01 酚类混标(14种), CLP OLM 04.01 &4.02 Phenols,2000 μg/mL in CH2Cl2
8270半挥发性有机物混标,46组分, Base/Neutral Composites Set
碱/中性混标, Base/Neutral Composite Mixture,2.0 mg/mL in Benzene:Dichloromethane:AcCN (2:2:1)
CLP 有毒物质混标, CLP Toxic Substance Mix,2000 μg/mL in Dichloromethane