挥发性目标混合物列表(40种组分), CLP 04.1 Volatile Target compound List,200 μg/mL in MeOH
标准品, Individual Pesticides Standard (160X)
工作水平曲线校准套标, Working Level Curve Calibration Set
有机氯农药混标(13种组分), Individual Pesticide Standard,Varied Conc in Isooctane
性能评估溶液混标, Performance Evaluation Solution,Varied conc. in Isooctane
GPC标准溶液, GPC Calibration Standard Soln.,Varied conc. in Dichloromethane
酸替代混标(4种组分), Acid Surrogate Standard,1.5 mg/mL in Methanol
Decachlorobiphenyl,2.0 mg/mL in Isooctane
亚老哥儿1248和2种替代物混标, Working Level Aroclor 1248 with Surrogates,Varied conc. in Isooctane
标准品, Working Level Aroclors 1016/1260 with Surrogates,Varied conc. in Isooctane