铝,箔, Al, Half Hard Temper, 0.3mm厚
品牌: | Goodfellow | 纯度含量: | 99.0% | 产地: | 英国 |
订货号 | 包装规格 | Coil | 639-584-83 | 305mm x 0.5m | 346-234-80 | 305mm x 1m | 279-359-50 | 305mm x 2m | 919-943-27 | 305mm x 5m | 251-570-99 | 305mm x 10m | 235-056-13 | 305mm x 25m | 768-006-14 | 305mm x 40m | Sizes | 469-314-63 | 25mm x 25mm | 664-329-88 | 50mm x 50mm | 041-225-93 | 100mm x 100mm | 828-825-07 | 100mm x 500mm | 153-238-13 | 150mm x 150mm | 852-866-31 | 150mm x 500mm | 154-769-80 | 300mm x 300mm | Disc | 992-902-89 | 4mm | 112-859-40 | 6mm | 107-434-21 | 8mm | 429-282-41 | 10mm | 660-311-85 | 15mm | 538-982-38 | 25mm | 372-790-86 | 50mm |
产品参数 Coil Width[卷材宽度] | 305mm | Diameter[直径] | 4mm - 50mm | Purity[纯度] | 99.0% | Temper[状态] | Half Hard | Thickness[厚度] | 0.3mm | Typical Analysis(典型分析) | Cu | <1000 PPM | Fe | <7000 PPM | Mn | <1000 PPM | Si | <5000 PPM | Zn | <1000 PPM | Atomic Properties(原子属性) | Atomic number | 13 | Atomic weight ( amu ) | 26.98154 | Crystal structure | Face Centred Cubic | Electronic structure | Ne3s²3p¹ | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 4 / 120 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 5 / 154 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 6 / 190 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 1 / 5.99 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 3 / 28.4 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 2 / 18.8 | Photo-electric work function ( eV ) | 4.20 | Thermal neutron absorption cross-section ( Barns ) | 0.2320 | Valences shown | 3 | Electrical Properties(电气特性) | Electrical resistivity ( μOhmcm ) | 2.67@20℃ | Superconductivity critical temperature ( K ) | 1.1750 | Temperature coefficient ( K⁻¹ ) | 0.00450 @0-100℃ | Thermal emf against Pt (cold 0C - hot 100C) ( mV ) | 0.42 | Mechanical Properties(机械性能) | Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Hard ) | 75.2 | Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Soft ) | 75.2 | Hardness - Vickers ( kgf mm⁻² ) ( Hard ) | 35 - 48 | Hardness - Vickers ( kgf mm⁻² ) ( Soft ) | 21 | Material condition | Soft | Material condition | Hard | Poisson's ratio ( Hard ) | 0.345 | Poisson's ratio ( Soft ) | 0.345 | Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Hard ) | 70.60 | Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Soft ) | 70.60 | Tensile strength ( MPa ) ( Hard ) | 130.00 - 195.00 | Tensile strength ( MPa ) ( Soft ) | 50.00 - 90.00 | Yield strength ( MPa ) ( Hard ) | 110.0 - 170.0 | Yield strength ( MPa ) ( Soft ) | 10.0 - 35.0 | Physical Properties(物理性质) | Boiling point ( C ) | 2467 | Density ( g cm⁻³ ) | 2.700 @20℃ | Thermal Properties(热性能) | Coefficient of thermal expansion ( x10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ ) | 23.500 @0-100℃ | Latent heat of evaporation ( J g⁻¹ ) | 10800 | Latent heat of fusion ( J g⁻¹ ) | 388.00 | Melting point ( C ) | 660.40 | Specific heat ( J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹ ) | 900.0 @25℃ | Thermal conductivity ( W m⁻¹ K⁻¹ ) | 237.00 @0-100℃ |
其他参数 公差 长度 | <100mm | ±1mm |
≥100mm | +2% / -1% | 直径 | <100mm | ±1mm |
≥100mm | +2% / -1% | 厚度 | <0.01mm | ±25% |
≤0.05mm | ±15% | >0.05mm | ±10% | 长度 1 | <100mm | ±1mm |
≥100mm | +2% / -1% | 长度 2 | <100mm | ±1mm |
≥100mm | +2% / -1% |
| |