银,绝缘线, Ag, 0.01mm 绝缘厚度, Nylon Insulation
订货号 | 包装规格 | Length (Round) | 591-786-65 | 0.5m | 802-814-70 | 1.5m | 603-641-99 | 1m | 593-052-37 | 2m | 776-307-21 | 3m | 824-170-46 | 5m | 850-363-58 | 7.5m | 810-673-94 | 10m | 798-958-01 | 15m | 092-197-97 | 20m | 755-969-08 | 30m | 213-462-00 | 50m | 551-968-93 | 75m | 296-053-26 | 100m | 255-233-25 | 150m | 199-152-30 | 200m | 976-838-17 | 300m | 909-228-73 | 500m |
产品参数 Conductor Diameter[导体直径] | 0.075mm | Insulation Thickness[绝缘厚度] | 0.01mm | Insulation[绝缘材料] | Nylon | Length[长度] | 0.5m - 500m | Purity[纯度] | 99.99% | Electrical Properties(电气特性) | Electrical resistivity ( μOhmcm ) | 1.63@20℃ | Temperature coefficient ( K⁻1 ) | 0.00410 @0-100℃ | Thermal emf against Pt (cold 0C - hot 100C) ( mV ) | 0.74 | Atomic Properties(原子属性) | Atomic number | 47 | Atomic weight ( amu ) | 107.86820 | Crystal structure | Face Centred Cubic | Electronic structure | Kr4d1⁰5s1 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 2 / 21.5 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 1 / 7.58 | Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) | 3 / 34.8 | Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) | 107 / 51.83 | Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) | 109 / 48.17 | Photo-electric work function ( eV ) | 4.70 | Thermal neutron absorption cross-section ( Barns ) | 63.8000 | Valences shown | 1 ,2 | Physical Properties(物理性质) | Boiling point ( C ) | 2212 | Density ( g cm⁻3 ) | 10.500 @20℃ | Mechanical Properties(机械性能) | Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Hard ) | 103.6 | Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Soft ) | 103.6 | Hardness - Vickers ( kgf mm⁻2 ) ( Hard ) | 95 | Hardness - Vickers ( kgf mm⁻2 ) ( Soft ) | 25 | Izod toughness ( J m⁻1 ) ( Soft ) | 5 | Material condition | Hard | Material condition | Soft | Poisson's ratio ( Hard ) | 0.367 | Poisson's ratio ( Soft ) | 0.367 | Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Hard ) | 82.70 | Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Soft ) | 82.70 | Tensile strength ( MPa ) ( Hard ) | 330.00 | Tensile strength ( MPa ) ( Soft ) | 172.00 | Thermal Properties(热性能) | Coefficient of thermal expansion ( x10⁻⁶ K⁻1 ) | 19.100 @0-100℃ | Latent heat of evaporation ( J g⁻1 ) | 2390 | Latent heat of fusion ( J g⁻1 ) | 103.00 | Melting point ( C ) | 961.90 | Specific heat ( J K⁻1 kg⁻1 ) | 237.0 @25℃ | Thermal conductivity ( W m⁻1 K⁻1 ) | 429.00 @0-100℃ |
其他参数 公差 导体直径 |
| ±10% |
长度 |
| +5% / -1% |
绝缘厚度 | 仅有名义尺寸 |
| |