目录号 Serial | TCM42 | 标识符 Identifier | CSTR:19375.09.3101MOUTCM42 | 描述 Description | 不分泌免疫球蛋白,对20μg/ml 8-氮鸟嘌呤有抗性,对HAT敏感。 检测发现鼠痘病毒阴性。 | 动物种别 Organism | 小鼠 | 性别 Gender | 未知 | 组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type | 骨髓瘤 | 形态 Morphology | 淋巴细胞样 | 培养基和添加剂 Complete Growth Medium and Culture Conditions | DMEM培养基(GIBCO by life technologies ,货号C11995500BT),90%;优质胎牛血清,10%。 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。 温度:37摄氏度。 | 供应限制 Permits and Restrictions | A。仅供研究之用。 | REFERENCE | Ozato K, Sachs DH. Monoclonal antibodies to mouse MHC antigens. III. Hybridoma antibodies reacting to antigens of the H-2b haplotype reveal genetic control of isotype expression. J. Immunol. 126: 317-321, 1981. PubMed: 6935293 Shulman M, et al. A better cell line for making hybridomas secreting specific antibodies. Nature 276: 269-270, 1978. PubMed: 714156 Goodrum FD, et al. Adenovirus early region 4 34-kilodalton protein directs the nuclear localization of the early region 1B 55-kilodalton protein in primate cells. J. Virol. 70: 6323-6335, 1996. PubMed: 8709260 Chen H, et al. Octamer binding factors and their coactivator can activate the murine PU.1 (spi-1) promoter. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 15743-15752, 1996. PubMed: 8663022 |
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