目录号 Serial | SCSP-5087 | 标识符 Identifier | CSTR:19375.09.3101HUMSCSP5087 | 描述 Description | 据报道NCI-H526细胞中2 种小细胞肺癌生化标志物:神经元特异性烯醇化酶和脑型肌酸激酶同工酶表达水平较高。不表达左旋多巴羧化酶或蛙皮素(bombesin)样免疫反应性。这些细胞表达c-kit基因以及N-myc基因,但不表达 c-myc、L-myc。N-myc被放大并观察到p75 c-myb 表达。NCI-H526还表达原癌基因 N-ras、Ki-ras、Ha-ras和c-raf1。仅检测到微量的视网膜母细胞瘤易感基因 RB mRNA。未检测到RB蛋白。与正常肺中的表达水平相比,该细胞p53 mRNA表达水平较高。存在异常大小的mRNA。据报道,该细胞在软琼脂糖中的集落形成效率为4.2%。 细胞质量控制方面: 1.支原体检测结果:本批次已通过本库支原体检测,结果为阴性; 2.STR鉴定结果: CSF1PO: 11,11 D13S317: 13,13 D16S539: 9,9 D5S818: 11,11 D7S820: 9,12 THO1: 6,8 TPOX: 8,11 vWA: 16,17 Amelogenin: XX | 动物种别 Organism | 人,白人 | 性别 Gender | 男性,55岁 | 组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type | 肺 | 形态 Morphology | 悬浮、多细胞团簇 | 培养基和添加剂 Complete Growth Medium and Culture Conditions | 人肺癌细胞 NCI-H526 [H526] 完全培养液 配方(100 ml): RPMI 1640 Medium (Invitrogen, 11875-093)88 ml FBS (Gibco) 10 ml Glutamax (Invitrogen, 35050061)1 ml Sodium Pyruvate 100 mM Solution (Invitrogen, 11360070) 1 ml 参考传代比例:1:3 参考传代周期:4-6天 参考换液频率:每2-3天换1次液 冻存液配方:完全培养液95%,DMSO 5% 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。温度:37摄氏度。 | 供应限制 Permits and Restrictions | A。仅供研究之用。 | REFERENCE | Takahashi T, et al. p53: A frequent target for genetic abnormalities in lung cancer. Science 246: 491-494, 1989.PubMed:2554494Bepler G, et al. Expression of p64c-myc and neuroendocrine properties define three subclasses of small cell lung cancer. Oncogene 4: 45-50, 1989.PubMed:2536917Schardt C, et al. Characterization of insulin-like growth factor II receptors in human small cell lung cancer cell lines. Exp. Cell Res. 204: 22-29, 1993.PubMed:8380141Lai SL, et al. Molecular genetic characterization of neuroendocrine lung cancer cell lines. Anticancer Res. 15: 225-232, 1995.PubMed:7762988Carney DN, et al. Establishment and identification of small cell lung cancer cell lines having classic and variant features. Cancer Res. 45: 2913-2923, 1985.PubMed:2985257 |
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