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micrOTOF II 四级杆-飞行时间质谱仪
型号:micrOTOF II


    布鲁克公司micrOTOF II 质谱仪在性能和多应用领域方面代表了同类高分辨质谱仪的金标准,其卓越的质量准确度和分辨率,保证了分子式鉴定的可靠性。与任何HPLC、UHPLC、CE甚至GC联用,均可保证获得高精度质量窗口的高分辨提取离子流色谱图。
    全新的离子光学聚焦器件结合改进的校正程序,保证了micrOTOF II 分辨率大于16,500 FWHM并且质量准确度小于2ppm的出众性能,使得micrOTOF II 成为行业标准。
TIP 真实同位素峰形和SmartFormula 算法
    传统算法只采用测定的分子量来推测分子式,而Bruker公司micrOTOF II 质谱仪在此基础上加入第二维信息,即真实同位素峰形。化合物测定的同位素峰型与真实同位素峰形相匹配,从而显著提高了鉴定分子式的可信度。
    Bruker 公司的Compass 软件包整合了仪器控制、数据采集和数据处理等软件,具有非常友好和易用的用户操作界面。只需简单的方法设置,LC/MS工作流程即可完全自动化进行。Compass软件包使得micrOTOF II 质谱可与所有常见HPLC和nanoLC等分离技术联用,满足客户不同应用的需求。
    micrOTOF II 质谱系统适应开放式管理环境的需要,可以满足多用户、多类型样本的分析要求。
Sophisticated micrOTOF focus technology
·Worldleading combination of mass accuracy, resolution, and sensitivity
·SmartFormula is the unique combination of accurate mass with True Isotopic Pattern (TIP)
·Automated determination of elemental composition, the “formula finder”
·Footprint 640 x 640 mm, height 1220 mm, weight 130 kg
TOF analyzer
·Mass range 50 – 20,000 m/z
·Mass resolution 16,500 FWHM with micrOTOF focus
·Mass accuracy of < 1-2 ppm (RMS) error with internal calibration
·Mass Stability & Dynamic Range proven by better than 2mDa hrEICs (high resolution Extracted Ion Chromatograms)
·Sub-ppm confidence by application of SmartFormula algorithm
·Acquisition rate of 40 Hz ((100-3.000 m/z profile mass spectra to disk)
·Polarity switching for both, positive and negative ions
Source options
·ESI orthogonal electrospray source
·APCI orthogonal atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source
·Multimode source (ESI/APCI)
·APPI Atmospheric pressure photo ionization source
·Online NanoElectrospray source for nano LC applications, flow down to 50 nL/min
·Offline NanoElectrospray source, typical flow rates of 25 nL/min
·CE-MS coupling with grounded ESI needle
·GC/APCI/APLI source for coupling with LC and GC
Compass software environment for integrated LC/MS control and data processing including:
·Generate molecular formula module
·ChargeState and optional MaxEntropy Deconvolution
·Optional application software and solutions:
·Compass Security Pack allows for support of ER/ES (Electronic records & signatures)
·Compass OpenAccess
·Compass OA/QC
Support of:
·Bruker EASY-nLC nano HPLC
·HPLC systems from the following vendors: Agilent, Waters (incl. UPLC), Dionex, VWR/Hitachi
·Autosamplers from CTC
·LC-NMR/micrOTOF coupling
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
EASY-nLCTM is a trademark of Proxeon A/S, Odense, Denmark

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